My practice runs on referrals. When you’re looking to create a new relationship with a provider, it can be helpful to hear what others have said. here are some of my favorites:

“After my stroke in 2015, after appointments with typical western medicine doctors, I often left their offices with a feeling of doom. They offered me nothing, not even any level of emotional comfort. All they did was test me. They had no answers for me and no direction for me to concentrate on. I did a lot of research on things that could or might help me. In my search, I found Dr Alison Kerr. She gives her attention to not only my physical state, but emotional and mental health, as well as helps me focus on dietary needs and gives encouragement to help me think about how I can help myself, empower myself, to balance out aspects of my life, create positive thoughts that ultimately help my overall health. And to think for myself and make choices for my own healthy outcome. I truly appreciate her professionalism and her kindness and willingness to help me on my way to a good life everyday.” MJ 

“Dr. Kerr was approachable and was extremely giving with her time despite the fact I am on state insurance. I came out learning more about myself and raved about her to my best friend who is an ND in Olympia. She wrote down my plan before leaving and I reference to it quite a bit. She didn’t have me buy $200 worth of supplements like I have done before with another Tacoma ND. Only con was that I wished I could have seen her more often because I’m one that needs constant encouragement and accountability to keep on task when it comes to my health(too many social pressures). I was too shy to ask to come in more often because of my insurance.“ (NB: This is precisely why I am changing tacks - insurance would have covered this person to come back! Please do!) 

“I went in for a consultation one time and came out with life-changing information. My health has improved dramatically as I incorporate the information received from Dr. Alison. I share this information with all of my friends when we discuss ways to live a healthier lifestyle. I would visit Dr. Alison regularly if I lived in Washington.” BB 

“Dr. Kerr is one of the amazing people who had helped me tremendously on my journey to health. I’m so thankful that she was the first ND I went to, as I can’t imagine a better introduction to naturopathy. She encouraged my desire to change and heal my body primarily with healthier choices in every part of my life. It took me almost a year, but having already trusted Dr. Kerr as my doctor, I decided to trust her recommendation to try yoga too, and I’m so thankful I did! She’s an amazing teacher who helped make yoga accessible to my larger body. I’m so grateful for Dr. Kerr and would recommend her to anyone who wants to embrace a holistic approach to health.” - SP 

And perhaps my favorite testimonial ever:

“Dr. Kerr is very attentive to detail, and is knowledgeable to the point that she can connect small observations together and track larger issues. I hesitate to recommend her on the same basis that I hesitate to recommend my favorite fishing place.” AG